A Note From Our Lead Pastor

The Church was made for this!

What a time this is! We will need to really pull together as a Church family to weather the next month. We will monitor things on a day by day basis and make adjustments as needed. A few things I’d ask immediately…

  • If you have a need, please let us know so we can mobilize to help.

  • We will continue to meet live on Sunday’s taking all appropriate precautions. I know this may be a controversial decision. But, I believe our Sunday gathering is of vital importance at this time. Not that that the Church can’t simply meet in small groups in homes (and there is no problem if you choose to do so) but there are some who find our weekly gathering as vital to their spiritual health as good hygiene is to their physical heath. I heard from many of you Sunday of the importance of having your children having something “normal” left in their week (and they are the group at least risk). I also think it’s important for God’s Church to maintain some independent decision making from our culture. As Christians we do have some values above health and even physical life.

    “If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake and for the sake of the Good News, you will save it.” Mark 8:35.

    Having said that, we still want to be as safe as we reasonably can while maintaining some higher values than simply health. If you are experiencing illness, are in a high risk group, or have regular contact with someone in a high risk group you obviously should stay isolated more than the healthy. We’ll continue live-streaming Sunday services.

  • We need volunteers to help clean the building on Saturdays, so we can do it completely and really well. Please email Fox@mycorecommunity.com if you can help.

  • We’re going to have people facing temporary financial issues. I want to make a Church goal that no one in our congregations loses a home or place to live or needs to worry about food. I’m going to personally ask for some sacrificial giving for those of you who will have a job through this to meet that goal and so that we can help as many as we can and prevent any layoffs to church staff and missions. Please consider giving online. Also, if you have or know of temporary jobs people can take, please let me know personally or contact me at Barry@mycorecommunity.com.

  • We are reducing to minimal operating costs during this time. We will not be printing things, buying extra materials, advertising, etc. Anything that is not “mission essential”.

  • Hills will be meeting at Peaks Gymnastics for the time being. Both because the schools are not available and it will save around $1000 a month.

Now for some positive stuff…

  1. I’ve heard from so many people over the years that they wish they had more time to spend with family and friends, but they are so busy with school and events and extra stuff they just can’t find it. You now have it! Let’s use this to be reminded that people are what’s really important!
  2. The Church has an awesome opportunity to be a safety net to its own. To show our communities one of the main reasons God provides us with the Church… to make sure all His children’s needs are met. The opportunity to live out evangelism by just BEING the Church is incredible! We want one of the news stories that will live in history about this time that, miraculously, in God’s family no one was in need. May Jesus be seen clearly and miraculously!
  3. For our family it’s reminding us how easily we become addicted to “stuff”. We are using this time to simplify and trim the budget. To be appreciative of what we have, give up what we don’t need, and direct our resources toward the truly important… each other. What a blessing to be reminded to live simply.

As I’ve said the Church is built for such a time as this! Be in prayer, keep in contact, wash your hands, and talk about Jesus. Please let me know of any ideas you’d be willing to work on! Barry@mycorecommunity.com